Smith & Loveless

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Package Vacuum Prime Sewage Pump Stations
Custom Flooded Suction Sewage Pump Stations

Operator safety, efficiency, ease of maintenance and low operating cost are the hallmarks of Smith & Loveless pump station equipment. Whether your station is underground or above-ground, every Smith & Loveless pump station is  housed in a separate chamber outside of the corrosive wet well.


  • Packaged MBR Treatment Plants
  • Packaged Extended Air Treatment Plants
  • Sludge Dewatering
  • Package Water Treatment Systems

Pre-Engineered Wastewater Treatment Systems because wastewater treatment needs are changing and becoming more diversified.

Contact Freemire & Associates for the Smith & Loveless products that offer everything from pre-engineered treatment systems that discharge to a leachfield or constructed wetland, to pre-engineered traditional CMAS systems, to component equipment such as grit removal treatment.

Retrofit & Original Equipment Parts

Custom Flooded Suction Sewage Pump Stations

Operator safety, efficiency, ease of maintenance and low operating cost are the hallmarks of Smith & Loveless pump station equipment. Whether your station is underground or above-ground, every Smith & Loveless pump station is  housed in a separate chamber outside of the corrosive wet well.

Industrial Sales

  • Process Treatment
  • Custom Pump Stations
  • Mining, HVAC, Food, Military, Chemical, Industry.